'OUR SINGAPORE DREAM' Leather Valet Tray
This design highlights four of the many historical buildings in Telok Ayer area, namely Ying Fo Fui Kun, Nagore Dargah India-Muslim Heritage Centre, Thian Hock Keng and Telok Ayer Methodist Church. This area marks part of Singapore’s old shoreline where early immigrant landed in search of a good future. Many religious and cultural institutions were formed to support them as they joined locals in building a new cosmopolitan port city. It was here where our ancestors’ Singapore Dream took root and blossomed, and where inspirational stories of many new Singapore communities and families were birthed.
Today, these monumental treasures stand as beautiful symbols of harmony, industry, and diversity, which are foundation stones of Singapore’s amazing success as a multicultural, lively and progressive country, constantly breaking new ground in science, technology and economy while, cradling with tender loving care, social harmony and unity.